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What is Acidity?
In the human body, there are three types of doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Pitta dosha is essentially referred to as acidity. Acid plays a significant role in digesting food in the stomach. When this acid starts to form in excessive amounts, it reaches the chest or throat through the food pipe. Therefore, whenever acidity occurs, there is a burning sensation in the chest or throat, and often, there are instances of sour belching and even vomiting.
Acidity implies that there is an excessive production of acid in the stomach, and the food is not completely digested. Initially, there is a burning sensation in the chest, which gradually progresses towards the throat, a condition known as Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or Acid Reflux. In some cases, patients with GERD may experience blood in their vomit, indicating the presence of small wounds or ulcers in the stomach. In such situations, it is essential to seek immediate medical attention without negligence. When the burning sensation frequently occurs in the throat, it gradually leads to throat irritation, followed by coughing and allergic reactions to dust and dirt.
Symptoms of Acidity:
- Burning sensation in the throat or chest.
- Frequent normal or sour belching or the formation of gas.
- Feeling of nausea or vomiting shortly after eating.
- Regurgitation of food into the food pipe upon belching.
Major Causes of Acidity:
- Eating dinner late, especially after 8-9 PM, and going to bed immediately after a meal.
- Consuming large quantities of food.
- Eating excessively spicy, oily, and fried foods.
- Drinking water immediately after a meal.
- Lack of physical activity.
- Consuming excessive amounts of tea or coffee.
- Excessive alcohol consumption.
- Staying awake until late at night.
- Constipation is also a significant cause of acidity.
Finding Relief from Acidity:
- Say Goodbye to Tea:
Tea is the major culprit when it comes to acidity, especially when consumed on an empty stomach in the morning or before bedtime. Tea is acidic, particularly milk tea. If you have a habit of drinking tea and consume it on an empty stomach, understand that tea plays a significant role in acidity. Consuming excessive tea can quickly lead to serious conditions like ulcers in the stomach. Therefore, try to quit tea as soon as possible.
If you still find it challenging to give up tea, limit its consumption. Try to have it only twice a day and avoid drinking it on an empty stomach. Refrain from having tea immediately after a meal. Adding carom seeds (ajwain) to tea can help reduce the chances of gas formation.
Keep in mind that if you suffer from hyperacidity, tea is poison for you, and there is no remedy other than giving up tea.
- Avoid Eating Late at Night, Especially After 8-9 PM, and Going to Bed Immediately After a Meal:
If you eat dinner late at night, the chances of proper digestion are significantly reduced. According to Ayurveda, it is advised not to eat after sunset because our digestive fire (jatharagni) becomes weak after sunset, making it difficult for the stomach to digest food properly. This can lead to indigestion, acidity, and gas-related issues.
Therefore, try to have your dinner as early as possible. Ideally, have dinner before 7 PM. If circumstances force you to have a late dinner, ensure that it is a light and easily digestible meal. Maintain a gap of at least three hours between your meal and bedtime. Additionally, take a walk of about 1,000 steps after dinner.
- Overeating:
Consuming an excessive amount of food only brings discomfort. Just like any machine, if it is overloaded beyond its capacity, it will malfunction. Our stomach works in a similar way, so we should eat only as much as our stomach can easily digest. Overeating leads to indigestion, regardless of whether you eat late at night or early in the morning. Therefore, it is better to eat small meals at regular intervals throughout the day. Overeating at once leads to weight gain and causes the stomach to start expanding quickly.
One should avoid consuming excessive spicy and oily foods. Otherwise, there is a possibility of developing acidity and even ulcers. Additionally, include a good amount of fiber in your diet to ensure proper digestion and prevent constipation. Ayurveda recommends avoiding excessively hot or spicy foods. You may have noticed that when you have acidity, drinking water becomes necessary along with every bite, otherwise, a burning sensation occurs in the chest.
The most important thing is to avoid drinking water immediately after a meal. Doing so weakens the digestive fire, and instead of digesting the food, it leads to stagnation in the stomach. You can have juice or buttermilk immediately after a meal, but it should not be too cold.
- Avoid Alcohol or Consume in Moderation:
If you have a habit of drinking alcohol, it is advisable to quit it immediately. Alcohol is a major cause of acidity. If you must drink, do so in very limited quantities and occasionally.
- Avoid Staying Awake Late at Night:
Staying awake late into the night naturally leads to gas and acidity in the stomach. The nighttime is meant for rest, and the body is in a state of relaxation. However, staying awake until late at night affects the digestive system and leads to sour belching and gas when the stomach is empty.
Therefore, develop a habit of sleeping early and waking up early.
- Practice Morning Walks, Yoga, or Exercise:
The urban lifestyle doesn’t provide enough physical activity to our bodies. Even today, people in rural areas suffer from acidity much less. For our body parts to function properly, our body requires physical exertion. When we don’t engage in physical activities, the digestion process becomes sluggish along with other bodily functions.
Therefore, engage in morning walks, practice yoga, go to the gym, or swim. Choose an activity that you enjoy, but ensure that you perform it wholeheartedly. Among these options, a morning walk is highly recommended. Just like yoga, a morning walk has an impact on both the mind and body. Aim to take at least 10,000 steps during the day. This will help control your weight and improve digestion.
- Consume Yogurt or Papaya on an Empty Stomach and Include Buttermilk in Lunch:
Yogurt and papaya are highly beneficial for the stomach. You should consume either of them on an empty stomach. Yogurt contains Lactobacillus bacteria, which strengthen the digestive process and help maintain a healthy gut. When you consume them regularly for a long time, you will notice an improvement in your digestion.
After lunch, drinking a glass of buttermilk with added mint and carom seeds provides relief from acidity and gas.
- Triphala:
Consuming one teaspoon of Triphala with lukewarm water before bedtime also provides relief from acidity. Triphala contains amla (Indian gooseberry) and haritaki, both of which are considered nectar for the stomach. (Consume under the guidance of a doctor).
Conslusion : It is essential to make improvements in your diet and daily routine. If you follow the above suggestions, you will definitely see positive results. Take care of your body to enjoy a healthy and fulfilling life.